Having designed the Aurangabad house ten years ago, Kapil and Jayashree Bhalla came up with an ingenious plan when the clients thought of adding on to the existing structure. Since the most enthralling aspect of the house was its view, the theme for the new extension was the interconnection between the indoors and the outdoors. The extension chiefly included the lounge area and the living room. The place is christened the Verandah house… and rightly so as both these aspects are connected with the view outside. The young clients wanted this extension to be a party place. So Studio for Environment and Architecture (Se-arch architects) rolled out a space that’s a living, lounge, dining and home theatre at one go. Although the design is unmistakably contemporary and chic, there is nothing over the top about it. The interiors of this space are vividly fashioned. Colourful yet earthy, luxurious yet simple, dark yet full of light - the house is about contrasts and colours.