AVA Design Studio, led by Vistasp Bhagwagar and Naresh Kaushal, have designed an office that is a delightful balance between opulence and abstemious. It exudes richness in every corner and reflects in its volumes the best of finishes, materials and functional convenience. The 18,000 square feet of more...
British Brewing Company in Mumbai has been designed by NU.DE Architecture as a classy but contemporary homage to the quintessential English pub. The spectacular wooden roof here looks like playing cards being shuffled by an expert in a casino. The modular vaults are all minimally surfaced, ribbed, a more...
The project challenged the renovation and extension of a famous hotel restaurant of Baroda which Dipen Gada Associates took sportingly within the context of Minimalism & Simplicity. The project is a living, breathing space with a unique concept portraying the philosophy of austerity and authenticity more...