A fashion designer who straddles two very different cities and wanted to transplant the feel of her London home in the Mumbai one, situated at Cuffe Parade, approached Flamingo Interiors. The architectural firm went on to fulfil the job with both ease and élan. When designers Esha Pandya Choksi and Aashni Pandya interviewed the client, they made it a point to observe her dress sense, to get a handle on her aesthetics.
So it was that the twosome agreed upon a theme that would be European in its aesthetic - but not very ornate, or with carvings. While incorporating clean lines, there also had to be a sense of nostalgia – an imagery associated with the past.
Consequently, the architectural detailing in the mouldings, cornices, panelling and headboards recalls a bygone era. Previously, the client had lived in much larger homes, so the transition to a 1,000 sq ft apartment was not appealing at all. The illusion of a larger space has been created by using the same features repeatedly, rather than creating different looks in different rooms. The result is fluid spaces, assisted by the use of mirrors.