A sprawling 4,000 sq ft contemporary apartment in a chic new highrise in Santacruz, Mumbai, has been designed by Rakeshh Jeswaani Interior Architects. Wood and marble have been used as the two main elements in the entire house. The apartment has two main doors – one that opens into the living area and the other that opens into the bedrooms. Another door separates the living space from the bedrooms. Small balconies mainly used as flower-beds run all around the apartment. The bedrooms are designed in simple, straight lines with minimal decorative elements. All the bathroom ceilings are in solid wood. This has been done for easy maintenance, as there are openable shutters in the entire bathroom ceiling to hide the geysers. Every furniture element was made outside and fitted in the house towards the end, making the on-site work much simpler. All the furniture used is Indian and all the carpentry was done at the workshop of Curiosity Furniture Pvt Ltd. The entire space looks rich yet earthy.