Sunil Patil has made the house’s courtyard the unifying factor and also a visual masterpiece. A placid, blue-tiled water body borders a small pebble-encrusted deck-like space here, which is flanked by the living room on one side, and is separated from the staircase on the other side by multi-floor high railings that together look like giant micro-chip tendons. But the highlight here is the two-storey vertical garden, which seems to be benignly overlooking the entire house. There is one more courtyard, connected to the puja room. The Stataurio-floored, sparsely-decorated and roomy public spaces have an easy flow scheme, with their slick surfaces aglow with all the abundant natural light. The design of the bungalow is based on Sunil Patil and Associates’ design philosophy - contemporary vernacular architecture. It incorporates vernacular ethos and features like courtyards, stone masonry in a highly contemporary style. The contemporary stone work along with metal pergolas and white masses creates an extremely humble composition.