The square white exterior with distinct cubist leanings makes an assertively modern statement in this Pune bungalow. Varsha and Deepak Guggari have used natural sunlight in an all pervasive way here. It plays a starring role as an architectural feature which replaces pattern and art, and even has the mobility to provide variety. The interior feels much larger than it would have, because of the crisp way in which Guggari Associates have maximized space and light. This bungalow works like a home, feels like a good marriage of style and utility, and looks like a shrine to minimalism. Moreover, the architects have integrity in their convictions, designing with a conscience. The impact of the look is in the bravado of its execution - the determination to adhere to certain principles and make something creative out of it. In this work which is courageous without being contrived, light silently documents the passing of time and the seasons.