A leisure house sitting on the outskirts of Ahmedabad created under the aegis of Snehal Shah Architects generates an ambience of indulgence through its off-the-beaten-path architecture. Principal Snehal Shah decided to create a space that would truly generate a sense of relaxation and become a peaceful refuge from the hustle and bustle of a chaotic city life.
Avoiding in-vogue trends, what ensued was a timeless structure that co-mingles architecture and interiors with the surrounding landscape creating a holistic experience. As the house was to be used occasionally, the architect made the decision of making a single storey structure resembling an apartment.
Rationalised placing of the building at a stretch from the main entry on a busy highway, cuts off the noise as well as provides a generous green patch towards the front. The sinuous curved façade is the first thing that one encounters as one enters the huge site. The free flowing modulating passage, formed between the rectilinear spaces and the curved wall, engulfs many small and big informal spaces along its twists and turns.