Let’s Box Time, Shall We?

The Grey Box is an outstanding artful amalgamation of the exterior and the interior and simplicity with luxury.

The Grey Box is an extension of a house in Mumbai where art, textures and textiles coexist to create a narrative that reflects even beyond its existing space constraints. It has been designed keeping in mind the owners’ hospitable nature, with comfortable spaces to host friends and family, and simultaneously serving as a wonderful display of art.

Kavan Shah Design Studio has created a sublime, abstract, yet seamless representation of the passage of time. The existing layout was restructured and was made to appear more “inward looking” in order to give it a different and singular concept. This is observed in the way Kavan Shah deals with exploring the “narrative” that is typically reflective of a space. The Grey Box’s interior and exterior share an intricate relationship that makes the space interact with the surroundings.

Perhaps the most interesting feature of the Grey Box is the way grey concrete walls sublimely highlight the geometric layout and angles of the rooms. Fresh and unabashedly unpredictable, these patterns and textures are characteristic of Shah’s design philosophy. This concretized geometrically aligned narrative of the Grey Box is a perfect setting for a display of shadow and light, courtesy of the sunlight filtering through the teak staircase.

The exterior is masterfully connected to the interior space with a cantilevered teak stairwell. Since, self-finish materials only age better with weathering and exposure, a monochromatic palette of concrete, namely grey, and Burma teakwood have been used for both the interior as well as exterior spaces.

The Grey Box’s artistic character emerged from a constant interaction between the owners and KSDS. The versatile lighting has been designed keeping in mind various moods and occasions - from dim and romantic settings to a warm and inviting ambience that prominently highlights each piece of art on display. As for the exterior, dramatic lighting highlights the landscape to perfection juxtaposed against the cantilevered teak stairwell.

With the Grey Box, Kavan Shah Design Studio has effectively created a haven nestled in urban settings, yet separated from its chaos on the whole.