Raw Elegance

Kalpak Shah


Neutral And Muted Colours Accentuated With A Generous Dash Of Wooden Textures.

The story of the ‘Matt house’ is a simple one, a story that begins from the studio’s inherent course of thinking. Their objective to carve out spaces, which are ‘functional, simple and have lasting value’, kick started the process. The designer also shares how the client’s brief of a ‘great place to live in’ prompted them to carry forward the studio’s philosophy of being true to form and maximize the use of natural materials.

The designer’s approach is an intelligent play on the senses in a slightly different manner. The horizontal plane of the living room ceiling becomes the feature element – a wooden ceiling which gives a warm glow to the space. With walls that are painted beige, a shell is created which is a dull monotone. This has allowed the architect to experiment with the furniture and other elements in the space using colour and texture which pop-up in various places. Neutral, muted colours of the walls and the floor accentuate the wooden ceiling in the living room. This expansive, well lit room becomes the center from where the idea translates to other parts of the house. The bedrooms have been treated in a similar manner. However, here the walls are rough plastered and then painted which have given them an unfinished tactile texture and a rustic-ness that is as far as it can be from the glossy, sophisticated spaces which seem soulless. This stylistic diversity seen in every room coupled with the custom designed fixtures and the carefully chosen paintings bring ingenuity to the place. 

The ‘Matt house’ is a modern home in its true sense, it’s clean simple lines and uncomplicated design defines this space which is homely, uncluttered and a visual delight. The free movement through various rooms heightens the perception of the space. The notion to read spaces though its various planes and surfaces using the inherent quality and depth of the materials brings clarity and richness to the house. This idea is an influence from the minimalistic style of design where, ‘Less is more’ is a philosophy intrinsic to the Studio’s style of work. The little burst of colours are mood elevators lending the home a cheerful personality. The architect has taken a very practical approach to the design of the spaces; its aesthetics is an interpretation of tradition in a modern way which is reflected in the choice of various elements as seen throughout the house.