Smart accessorizing transforms a simple design response into a cocoon of luxurious appeal in this suburban Mumbai apartment by interior designer Bhavna Jacob of Bhavna Jacob Architects. The home at first glance appears like a leaf out of a book on tested design. Yet little touches that portray distinct personality emerge at closer view. The overall palette is a neutral base of shades of umber and sienna, with wood providing a feeling of steadfastness and timeless appeal. Added to this are touches of white, beige, crème, champagne and prominent splashes of distinguished red. Weaving a story out of this minimal platter emerges a blend of plush fabrics like synthetic leather, silk, and velvet. Matte finishes are juxtaposed with a glossy metallic caress in a symphony of tactile variations that are downy, well-heeled and soothing. The one aspect that stands out in this milieu is the near absence of pattern. Straight lines and a minimalist aura define the ambience.