Juxtaposing joie-de-vivre with chic styling, Shabnam Gupta infuses panache into a hi-end residence in Central Mumbai. The space is a large apartment - where a 3BHK and a 2BHK have been combined to form a palatial home to a family of five. Playing on a palette of clean lines and chic styling, Shabnam infuses the home with warmth that is bespoke of Indian culture. Working on this premise of unifying Indian ness into a contemporary aura, the material and colour palettes as well as functional demarcation have been administered to suit the maturing teenagers as well as the older generation. Consequently, each room sports a completely different ambience customised to its inhabitant. Creating two distinctive pockets - one youthful and the other serene. Shabnam prioritises her concepts amongst them, at times classy, at others Bohemian and many a time simply fusion. The designer has set a trail-blazing path of trendy interior vistas, ideal for those living ‘in the now’.