White surfaces are in conversation with the green surroundings in this beach house designed by Mancini Enterprises with its chief architect Niels Schoenfelder. Pure architecture beholds you when your eyes happen upon the beach house – straight lines, play of spaces, geometric massing and the use of natural elements; even the frondescence becomes a translational tool in this example of minimalist architecture. Amidst the numerous beach houses that follow the standard architecture of sloping roofs and red tiles, this beach home subtly makes a different statement; it sits back as a white pearl and settles into its surroundings. The beach house has all the basic principles of architecture precariously balanced on one platter, yet offering a final result that applauds the simplistic beauty of these principles. The house does not deform the nature encompassing it, but blends into the locale as effortlessly as the myriad elements of the coast.