Minnie Bhatt Design transforms a four-bedroom apartment in Mumbai into a glamorous abode of contemporary chic. Dark colours, modern materials and luxurious fabrics characterise this ninth floor, four-bedroom apartment. At the entrance, a waterfall in river-washed granite with a shloka etched in the stone sets the tone for the house - a hint of traditionalism in an otherwise modern setting. Lead designer Minnie Bhatt camouflaged the doors of the private elevators with dull silver painted paneling. This ingenious trick succeeds in hiding the elevators and makes the wall a focal point as well.
In the living room, white is the colour of choice with the imported leather sofas, the steel art and accessories. Dark chocolate and black cushions add color. A silver-leaf mirror frame in the dining area hides a cleverly concealed television. The modern kitchen is almost minimalist in its design. Steel hardware and appliances reflect light, as do the white, high-gloss cabinetry. The master bedroom is an elegant study in white and gold. The use of different textures in the upholstery, veneer finishes and the color scheme make it a calm space to retreat.