Urban Charm

Zubin Zainuddin


It\'s the little details - a breakfast space on the open-air terrace, a planter attached to the flat dining table top, the uneven onyx and wood bed that makes this Bangalore home a design haven. In this duplex apartment designed by Mumbai-based Z Z Architects for a family, the architects Zubin and Krupa Zainuddin have tried to use the 8,000 square feet available to them in a way that the feeling of openness and of being in a crowded, chaotic city. The material palette throughout the home is rather basic. The flooring differs through the apartment: Italian marble in the living room; wooden floor in the television room, which incidentally also has a sunken floor with a glass surface that works as a light point in the room, when all the other lights are switched off. The bathrooms have a mix of materials like bisazza mosaic, traventino and wood.