Minimal Mantra

The Ahmedabad Management Association building is not only the image of the futuristic activities going on within, but also a landmark institution in the commercial capital of Gujarat. A simple organisation of functional spaces flanked on the two sides of a linear continuous passage made the building sober and straightforward.
The renovated auditorium is distinctive without being overwhelming or without compromising on any of the key functional elements and technological requirements. The existing library was to be re-housed in a larger space, while reusing the furniture and retaining the existing design language. The new open floor plan of library has an ideal layout with huge circular openings, a remarkable element in many designs from Canna Patel.
HCP Interior Architecture maximised the use of and local crafts and materials, against imported ones. A powerful interior has been achieved by shifting the design accent from an existing color palette of greys and greens to brighter and warmer oranges and reds. This approach has allowed the new to be distinctive without any disruption of the earlier structure’s design orientation.