It was the name and logo that actually powered the design brief of this Mumbai studio. The name ‘Studio 580MM’ emerged from the blend of space (area 580 sq ft) and the term MM used to define the camera lens. The logo, a stark square, was inspired by the fact that the square forms the basis of geometrical patterns, and at the same time blends perfectly with the square of the camera’s viewfinder. Space Dynamix, the firm behind the design, decided to sustain the concept of sharp, square ‘box’ shapes wherever possible, as one can see reflected in the high tech look of the design.
The whole studio was visualized by Ashutosh Wad and Manjunath Hathwar in a stark colour palette of black, white, grey and stainless steel, so as to create a neutral ambience for various types of photography. Alternatively, this combination throughout the studio binds the space together. When you think about the appropriation of space in this studio, and all the needs which have been met, you are reminded that architecture is most often about finding solutions.