Lines are the language, and a cut-out becomes a punctuation mark in an office premise remodelled by young architect Gourav Roy Choudhury in Bengaluru. R.K. Fabrics decided to restructure its office premise that occupies three floors in an old, neglected building; all of which functioned separately and were accessed by the common building staircase. The basic design concept is about integrating the floors to create one pulsating space, in perception and in experience. Gaurav Roy Choudhury Architects got about the task by sculpting out a cut out in the structural skeleton that started on the third floor entry level and ended in a skylight on the terrace. Once inside, a network of lines as the predominant pattern narrates the layout of the office. These lines were derived in part from the structure of the building and in part from the logo of the company, and became their tool to explore dynamism. Wood essayed in two colours – white and brown, script the entire interior spaces starting at the third floor, climbing onto the workstations and continuing through the cut-out to finally terminate at the skylight. The force and momentum of the lines hold the office together.