The energy of the IPL cricket team, Delhi Daredevils is captured by architect Manish Gulati and given a physical form through vibrant strokes of colour, pattern and spatial dynamism. M:OFA Studios have taken a little of the logo and distilled the vigour, passion, dynamism and team spirit associated with Delhi Daredevils into an architectural language. The spatial aura is not one of a formal office premise, but one of a ‘chill out’ zone. Without doubt, the star player of the spatial dynamics of the office is the swirling cloud installation in the middle that grabs your attention amidst the overall decor composed of colours and memorabilia. Cocooned within this swirl of energy, is the informal discussion space, labelled by the staff as ‘the think tank lounge’. The design team analysed different batting strokes and bowling swings to derive the model of a swirl cloud which they then decoded into a physical reality using a slender steel cage covered by planks of recycled waste shipping pallets. The entire office is planned around this twirling core, spaces overlap to disparage corporate hierarchy and encourage team spirit.