A walk through Eatmor 70mm, a Bollywood based theme restaurant in Hyderabad brings back the much loved memories of an era gone by. After some research, Anshul Chodha, Principal Architect Sanctuary Architects & Designers realized that Hyderabadis love ‘bling’ and felt that since Bollywood was so big in our country there was no better opportunity to do a very blingy, glitzy and a gimmicky design.
A red carpet welcomes you inside with little LED lights on the ceiling and small floor sunken LED’s on the carpet. Going along, posters of Bollywood movies enhance the theme on the wall further. The colour schemes used in the space are coherent with the loud colours one experiences in most Bollywood movies- bright red, purple and gold. The materials work towards enhancing the theme - velvet on the walls, glossy leatherite in bright shocking colours on the upholstery, gold glossy laminate on low height partitions and reflective gold textured tiles on the walls of the buffet counters.