Eastern Influences

5 Spice, a chain of restaurants designed by R.L. Narrayan & Associates in Mumbai sport individualistic elements of Oriental ethos and cater to a contemporary style of décor, with comfort as the operating mantra. This Andheri West outlet demanded a more chic and underplayed ambience. So in addition to complying with a muted colour palette and straight-lined furniture, R.L. Narrayan introduced baroque-styled floral mild-steel grilles as partitions between semi-privy areas without making the place too open or for that matter, completely closed in and claustrophobic.
Since this branch also had a terrace area, the openness of an outdoor ambience was maximised by influencing a controlled environment with a canopy and a four-foot high transparent glass along the parapet; effectively maintaining the essence of the outdoors whilst minimising the irritation of pollutants and street noise.