The Sahara sky lounge, designed by Bobby Mukherji & Associates, is minimal, yet glamorous; tech-driven, yet a space with soul. Step into the Sahara Sky lounge in Mumbai by day and you will feel you have stepped into a suite. It’s got all the trappings of luxury - plush sofas, opulent rugs, sleek fittings, imported lighting, et al. In the evening, however, the same space, which normally looks like a luxurious room of a deluxe suite in a hotel, transforms into a party place or a lounge. The space serves a dual purpose. It’s a meeting place for officials of the Sahara group by day, and a party lounge by evening. Bobby Mukherji’s design style can be defined in three simple words: stylish, modern and tech-heavy. He blends new age materials and cutting-edge technology with a design style that is bereft of any embellishments. Despite the use of interesting and radical materials, the design is subtle. It is all about minimalism, technology and new age materials.