Though this Mumbai-based restaurant has no trappings of a royal haveli and nor does it boast similar majestic grandeur, it is reflective of a time when unexpected visitors were welcomed cheerfully and wholesome food was always ready to serve and share with whoever dropped by. Tejal Mathur and Team Design set to work on evoking a subconscious bygone era in their beloved and fast-changing city; so the much-loved vernacular shell of a sixties house and the surrounding ‘chowk’ could be captured in culturally vibrant, though slowly disintegrating walls. Pali Bhavan incorporates a private dining room and temple pillars (which hold the floor above capably) and a unique sari-like checkered floor pattern in shades of blue and green all over. Other highlights of the restaurant include a vintage French furniture setting for the cast iron and rusted tops that were custom ordered at factories, tinted cement wall colours, acid stained cement mix for the exteriors and a Devnagri font engraved in marble on the façade.