Contemporary Indian luxury with character, yet enabling the merchandise to hold centre stage, is what defines the look of Good Earth in Greater Kailash Market, Delhi. Good Earth is housed in the most expensive retail space per square foot in Asia - 1,200 square feet of trapezoidal space littered with six randomly placed and randomly shaped columns. So managing space in this small attic-like area became the prime challenge for Ambrish Arora of Lotus Designs. A façade of charcoal grey, louvered wooden shutters and plum-stained plate glass windows, create the picture of an oasis in the midst of urban activity in Delhi’s most dynamic and lively market. The principal material of construction is stained plywood, brick and cement board; a deliberate contrast to the refinement of Good Earth luxury products. The layout of the shop transforms what would have normally been considered a huge disadvantage – the irregularly shaped small space - and uses it as its principal asset.