The duo of Canna Patel of HCP Interior Architecture Pvt. Ltd. and Dr. Mukesh Patel lend a new dimension to the exercise of the Tiara ‘ready’ kitchens’ showroom in Ahmedabad. Architect and designer Canna Patel, whose works categorically draw out the essence of a project, essays a bigger role this time where she not only prototypes seven kitchen types tailored distinctly to the Indian sensibilities but also showcases the effort via a customized inclusive facility that spells ‘holistic retail design’. Partner Dr Mukesh Patel, a Business Strategy Consultant has worked hand in glove towards this accomplishment. The designer has time and again incorporated site specific art, accessories and graphics to drive home the distinctive nature of a project and highlight its socio-cultural quintessence. In the current project, the entire exercise seems to veer towards a harmonious integration of this very principle, weaving it holistically into the program of production-display-sale, and making it a benchmark in the generic achievement of a socially responsible up-market vendor package.