Where Glass Shatters A Glass Ceiling

Ambrish Arora Siddharth Talwar And Ankur Choksi


Glassxpert - Asahi India’s first retail store in Gurgaon designed by Lotus Design Studio seeks to redefine shopping for glass, turning it into a contemporary gallery full of possibilities. Asahi India wanted to create a tangible understanding for their clients. And that’s the task the designers at Lotus Design Studio took upon themselves when they set out to create the Glassxperts experience. The team at Lotus Design Studio created a space where light streamed, bounced and gallivanted around freely. Then, they teamed up with Codesign, who created designs for the glass walls. They filled it with art that is maybe a little abstract, but very modern and conveys the ‘virtual’ possibilities of glass as a material of the future; both in homes and offices.