Architect and Interior Designer
An Adaptive Approach
view_headline<p>The partners of KS Associates believe that a signature style and a fixed notion of what ‘good design’ is can lead to an architect’s undoing. Kanhai Gandhi, Neemesh Shah and Shresht Kashyap were asked to design a ‘Manhattan-style’ apartment for a client who had lived in New York most of his life</p> more...
A Modern Aesthetic
view_headline<p>K. S. Associates were thrilled when their Gujarat-based clients opted for the modern design scheme they proposed– not only did it give them an opportunity to try their hand at a new look, but also implement ideas that had been latent. The clients were very clear that they wanted an austere and moder</p> more...
Breaking Away
view_headline<p>At an office designed for its young owner, the architectural firm KS Associates, breaks the mould and creates a space that’s formal, yet fun to work in. The SRS office takes office design to the level where the casual and the formal merge to an extent, making it seem more like a media or an advertis</p> more...
Haute Design
view_headline<p>Privacy marries openness in this ‘transparent’ office in Mumbai designed for fashion house Provogue, by the talented team at K.S. Associates. Like a technological extravaganza, this sleek space has miles of frameless sheet glass, adhering to the client brief of “open, transparent space with an inter</p> more...
Extravagance Magnifique
view_headline<p>K. S. Associates worked on analogous client directives for their residential project for the Ajmera Builders in suburban Mumbai. Extending across an entire floor area of approx. 3800 sq. ft., the apartment follows a simple bifurcation of public and private areas – living-dining-guest room at one end</p> more...
Workout Wonderland
view_headline<p>‘Serendipity’ designed by Neemesh Shah’s team of K. S. Associates is an inimitably designed gym catering to the naval officers at NOFRA, Navy Nagar in Colaba, Mumbai. Originally a neglected parking area, this expanse of approximately 3000 sq. ft with its regular column-grid has been beautifully plan</p> more...
Luxury Personified
view_headline<p>How KNS Architects have given a face lift to this interior space is an inspiring tale. A good deal of creativity and avant-garde ideas have helped them etch out a simple yet stimulating design… ideas that have changed not just perceptions but also lives. This residence in Worli, designed by Kanhai G</p> more...
Contemporary Living
view_headline<p>Taking a residence and making a world of a difference to its interiors, KNS Architects recreate not just a space but a lifestyle. This apartment in Mumbai is blessed with a picture perfect location which made the task of designing its interiors all the more challenging. With a panoramic view of the</p> more...
Space Within A Space
view_headline<p>A national award winning project by KNS Architects, Nolte’s Mumbai showroom matches the German kitchen and furniture brand’s sensibility with panache. Architects Kanhai Gandhi, Neemesh Shah and Shresht Kashyap conceptualised the showroom as an exhibition space held in a warehouse, where the showro</p> more...
Green Expanses
view_headline<p>An apartment in Mumbai has been designed for a nature loving owner who wanted the outdoor elements brought to his home. – Design Owl</p> more...
Fusion At The Fore
view_headline<p>This penthouse in Mumbai, designed by KNS Architects, is a haven that breaks away from the chaos of the outside world. - Design Owl.</p> more...